Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I've found it very helpful to be in a cluster because all the professors know each other making it easier for us. What I've found most interesting is English because this class helps us with our two other courses. Honestly the most challenging thing so far has been Lou's paper because I had to do a power point presentation along with the paper. Now that I have the presentation over I expect it to be easier. Some challenges I expect over the new few weeks are Lou's final project and Dr. Rheuban's report because I had no idea it was due so soon. I'm gonna have to get working on it and finish Lou's mid-term. I've learned a lot in this cluster. I've learned about media which is has been more interesting than expected and how to manage time between classes and assignments. In English I got a better understanding of The Matrix and all the MLA stuff. In Lou's I've learned about media history and Bill Gates my mid-term topic. In film I've learned about it's history and how it's changed. It really is cool how it's changed to todays movies but the movies we watch in class bore me and I believe many of you would agree lol. This cluster has made the transaction to college a lot easier.


Lisha said...

i agree being in a cluster is very helpful i like how the teachers talk to each other it does help out a lot. I also agree with you on how i feel about the media i'm starting to look at it differently since i been in this class.

N33dMoreCowbell said...

I agree. The timing for the film paper sucks. It's smack dab in the middle of all our other papers...