Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Club Fair

There was plenty of clubs at the fair but the two that caught my attention the most were the newspaper 'the bridge' and Phi Theta Kappa. I'm interested in the newspaper because I took journalism in my highschool. I don't mind writing and I think it would be pretty cool to be part of such a big paper. I'm not sure if i want to join it yet but it is definitly at the top. David told me about Phi Theta Kappa and we walked up and it really interested me. At the moment we can't join because we need a 3.5 GPA and 12 credits. We can still participate as volunteers. What's great about it is that if we join we are open to scholarship opportunities. We took a membership application but we have to wait till next semester to submit it. I think once I have completed this semester I am going to join this because of all the opportunities that they offer. These were the two clubs that caught my attention the most and might join.


C. Jason Smith said...

The newspaper really needs people. You should consider majoring in our new Writing and Literature Major--we have a journalism option.

N33dMoreCowbell said...

Oh yeah... I influenced you!
But yeah, we should def join one we get our credits. It seems like a pretty cool club. You should also join the journalism club if you are really that interested in writing.

Jacob said...

Jounralism is a good field to study in, maybe being part of a newspaper will give you some experience. I didnt really get a chance to go over to the Phi Theta Kappa table, what was so interesting about it?