Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I thought the film was very action packed which for me is very entertaining. This captured me from the beginning. The film the 'Matrix' ties to the "Allegory of the Cave" because people that live in the matrix are tied down like the people in the "Allegory" not physically but mentally. What they see and hear is what they believe. They have a whole world behind them and in the "Matrix" there is a whole world outside of it. In the movie Neo is freed from the matrix and brought to the real world. At first he didn't believe anything that was going on, he didn't believe Morpheus or Trinity he was a disbeliever just like the people in the "Allegory". In allegory no one believed this one man that was free; he was basically saying that there was another world outside the cave. Just like Neo he didn't believe there was another world out there. In the movie Morpheus returns to free people from the matrix and Neo is the one selected because he is believed to be the 'One', the man that will be able to stop the war between humans and machines. As the film goes on the Wachowski brothers use famous lines from movies and philosophers. I believe this made the movie a lot more interesting and understandable and now that I know this it makes more sense. A couple of years back when the film was first released I didn't understand much of what was being said. I believe the movie is very much like a video game with its special effects such as the slow motion in many of the fighting scenes. Another thing that makes this film like a video game is all the fighting they do, different types of techniques used and the way that the characters are able to do almost anything they in the matrix. The music made Neo's training more intense and it also made that fighting scene when they entered the building more dramatic. I really liked the film personally after really analyzing all these readings and details that went into the movie it is a great film.


Shakti_Pal said...

Hey Derek, I see we have the same connections as in Allegory of the Cave and I can relate to you on not understanding the film at first. When the film first came out I was a little confused but now I understand the film. I agree with you on the film's soundtrack and I think it is indeed a great film.

Hironelly said...

the film is confusing, and after watching it so many times it makes it much more difficult to understand seems like you like the special affects in the movie also i like how u can relate it to the allegory of the cave to the whole movie basically.

Nervel said...

I felt the same way you did when i first watched this film, i didn't fully understand it the first time.
I also liked how you related the film to a video game with the special effects and totaly agree on how in The Matrix the characters are capable of almost anything, exactly like most video games.

Ordany said...

Hey Dereck, all your thoughts are very similar to mine. I liked the movie also. I think when the film first came out we didnt see it the same way we did now. It was a little confusing dont you think?